We offer organoleptic analysis for honey, enabling producers to have confidence that their honey possesses the expected sensory characteristics for a given honey source.
- Colour
- Odour
- Taste
- Aroma
- Texture
- Other sensory properties
Honey Sensory Evaluation
We offer honey sensory evaluations for honey producers to learn more about their honey and support marketing. As a Honey Sensory judge and an experienced UK honey show exhibitor we can provide constructive feedback on the sensory experience, honey source, presentation of your product.
- Colour
- Odour
- Taste
- Aroma
- Texture
- Other sensory properties
- Sensory experience
- Honey sources
- Presentation
Qualifications & Professional Bodies
- Module 2 – Honey Bee Products and Forage
- Level III Honey Sensory Analysis
- Member of the Italian National Register of Experts in Honey Sensory Analysis
As an Expert Honey Sensory Analyst, I have trained in Italy where the technique has been developed and honed for at least 40 years, and haven passed the rigorous Level III blind tasting exam I am the only UK honey expert to be admitted to the Official Italian National Register of Experts in Honey Sensory Analysis established by the Italian Government. The world standard for honey sensory Analysis.